Sourav K C

Primary Productivity: Unveiling the Engine of Life

Introduction In the intricate tapestry of Earth's ecosystems, there exists an essential process that sustains life as we know it…

2 years ago

Summary of Eat That Frog – A book by Brian Tracy

In the book, Eat that Frog, the author, Brian Tracy suggests 21 great ways to stop procrastinating and get more…

2 years ago

Potential Energy – definition and derivation

In out previous article, we have discussed about the classification of mechanical energy and it's first type i.e. Kinetic energy.…

2 years ago

Kinetic Energy – definition and derivation

In the previous article we have discussed about the different forms of energy. In the current article, we will discuss…

2 years ago

Energy – forms and sources

Before we start discussing about various forms of energy and its sources, let’s first look back and see what energy…

2 years ago

7 causes why we fail to manage our time

All of us, some day or other, have seen people around us, who are completing same tasks effortlessly while we…

2 years ago